Sunday, November 17, 2013


Greetings Dancers:

There will be NO LESSON ON WED NOV 20. The VFW is having a special dinner for service men shipping out real soon and their families. We are so grateful for them and wish them and their families only the best. Do me a favor and make sure everyone you know is aware of the schedule.

I then realized that we only have 3 Wednesday night Lessons left in 2013. Can you believe it? I think we should just review, review, and review. What about a pot luck party on Dec 18? A kind of celebration for our freedom, our energy, our health, our friendships, and so much more. I will be gone for six weeks in Florida this winter, so we will resume our lessons on March 5, 2014....God willing and the creek don't rise.

Friday December 6 will be our last Friday dance of the year 2013. Joe assures me there is no double booking at the Decatur Moose on that date. I have to commend all of you for the way you so graciously handled the mix-up. In spite of all the confusion, we had a really super dance and learned some new dances thanks to George and Sandy Washbond. (We had them really cozy in the middle of our full tight circle....didn't hinder them a bit)

I will play on seeing all of you Nov 27. It may be difficult for some of you with Thanksgiving the next day. If you can't make it, I will see you the next week. Remember, dancing is a good way to relieve stress and pounds if you are planning on sitting and eating the next day. Just a little encouragement to show up and dance Nov 27.

Marilyn Ferry :)

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